Influenza Vaccination

The following advice on flu vaccination in children is taken from NHS choices At what age should children have the nasal spray flu vaccine? In the autumn/winter of 2016-17, the vaccine will be available free on the NHS for eligible children, including: children aged two, three and four on August 31 2016 – that is, children born between September 1 2011 and August 31 […]

Scarlet Fever

The following article discusses Scarlet fever, a common bacterial infection in children. Scarlet fever is a bacterial infection that causes a sore throat, a typical rash which disappears on pressing (sometimes called “sandpaper skin” because of its feel) and a characteristic looking tongue which is bright red with small bumps on it and  which is […]

Chicken Pox

Chicken pox is a common childhood infection that usually causes mild disease. It is caused by a virus called Varicella zoster virus (or VZV for short). The incubation period for chicken pox is usually 14 – 16 days but this might extend to between 10 – 21 days. Contacts are infectious from 48 hours before […]



Measles is a virus infection that used to commonly affect children until the introduction of a the MMR vaccine in the UK. Unfortunately, it is on the rise particulalrly in parts of Europe and the United States. These outbreaks are occurring in unimmunised populations. It can present in a number of different ways depending on the […]


Bacterial meningitis is a medical emergency and needs prompt treatment to avoid serious neurological damage or even death. Meningitis in children can be due to either viral or bacterial infection. IF THERE IS ANY POSSIBILITY OF A CHILD HAVING BACTERIAL MENINGITIS TREATMENT SHOULD BE STARTED STRAIGHT AWAY. The focus of this article and video will […]


Influenza is a seasonal viral infection that is caused by infection with one of two viruses – Influenza A or Influenza B. In the UK it usually peaks during the winter months with the season starting a few weeks after the children return to school in September. Although vaccines are available to help prevent infection […]