Brain Tumours in Children

The Children’s e-Hospital is encouraging all of our medical students, paediatric trainees, paediatric doctors and paediatric nurses to become “Headsmart aware”. Headsmart is a charity,endorsed by the RCPCH, that aims to raise awareness about the signs and symptoms that brain tumours can present with. To access the “Headsmart” clinical decicion making tool please click on […]

Spotting the Sick Child

We are encouraging all of our medical students, paediatric trainees, paediatric doctors and paediatric nurses to complete the “Spotting the Sick Child” course. This is an online course that leads you through common paediatric conditions, how they present, the warning signs and also their management. It will take about 3-4 hours to complete and you […]

Advice for Teachers & Schools

Teachers who are educating children with PANDAS will observe that these children have a relapsing remitting pattern to their disease. Sometimes they can appear to be relatively normal but can suddenly change and appear to have features that might even be considered to be autistic. The anxiety that these children experience is as a result […]

Welcome to Paediatrics CDDFT

Welcome to Paediatrics CDDFT

Welcome to the paediatric department at CDDFT. The following video forms part of your departmental induction. Please view the video if you have not been able to attend induction or if you need to refresh your knowledge.


Atopic eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that causes rash, itching and scratching and which develops in early childhood. The disease has a relapsing remitting pattern. There are clear genetic associations with other allergic conditions such as asthma and hay fever. Some children with eczema may have an underlying Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy. Identification […]


Bronchiolitis Symptoms Coryza for one to two days followed by persistent cough, breathlessness, hyperinflation, and expiratory wheeze in a 1 to 12 month old. Fine crackles and cyanosis correlate with severe disease. Respiratory syncitial virus (RSV) is the usual cause ( occasionally parainfluenza). Epidemiology 1. 1-2 % of all infants are admitted to hospital with […]