Paediatric Student Handbook

The following handbook is available for you to download and use during your paediatric attachment

Respiratory Paediatrics

Newborn Examination

This powerpoint presentation will highlight some of the common conditions you might see during a newborn examination



Colic is the term used when an otherwise healthy baby cries excessively and cannot be settled. Whilst crying is a common feature in babies it could also be an indicator of illness (such as cow’s milk protein allergy or infection). Excessive crying may be considered to be crying for more than 3 hours a day, […]

Common Cold

Common Cold

Sneezing and coughing in babies may indicate a viral infection with viruses such as those that cause the common cold in older children (rhino virus). There are however many viruses that can cause similar symptoms (respiratory syncytial virus, Influenza,metapneumovirus). These symptoms can be a prelude to bronchiolitis in babies (see section on bronchiolitis) where infection […]

Diarrhoea and Vomiting

Vomiting and diarrhoea are common symptoms in children. Usually this combination of symptoms is as a result of an infection of the stomach and intestines which we call gastroenteritis. Whilst this is a common condition in children it is important to manage it correctly (particularly ensuring adequate fluid intake) and also considering other conditions (e.g. […]