
Burns in children

  1. If a child sustains a burn, the first six steps are:
  2. Stop the burning process
  3. Remove any clothing near the burnt area of skin (unless it’s stuck down)
  4. Cool the affected area with cool or lukewarm water for 20 minutes, as soon as possible. Never use ice, iced water, creams or butter as this can cause more harm.
  5. Cover the area with cling film or a clean plastic bag
  6. Give pain relief such as paracetamol or ibuprofen
  7. Seek medical help

Being prepared

The Children’s e-Hospital has developed a first aid kit specifically with children in mind. This kit has over 50 parts and also includes flash cards to assist you in the event of having to deal with a choking child and other resuscitation situations

Buy a Children’s First Aid Kit

Authored by: Dr Tim Ubhi BSc(Hons) MB ChB MRCP FRCPCH

Published: 8th March 2019

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