Paediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome Temporally Associated with COVID-19

27th April 2020

RCPCH Publish Guidelines on Paediatric Multisystem Infalmmatory Syndrome Temporally Associated with COVID-19
NHS England have noted that there has been an apparent rise in children of all ages presenting with a multi-system inflammatory response across London and other parts of the UK.
The cases have in common overlapping features of toxic shock syndrome and atypical Kawasaki Disease with blood parameters consistent with severe COVID-19  in children. Abdominal pain and gastrointestinal symptoms have been a common feature as has cardiac inflammation. There is a growing concern that a SARS-CoV-2 related inflammatory syndrome is emerging in children in the UK or that there may be another as yet unidentified infectious pathogen associated with these cases.
If your child is unwell it is important that you seek medical help early. Please contact NHS 111 if you are in any doubt.

Read the article

27/04/20 18.00 hours
Downing street update…
“Entirely plausible that this disease is caused by coronavirus…numbers are very small but if parents are concerned ensure that you phone up to get advice”

27/04/20 20:45hrs
Statement from  The Paediatric Intensive Care Society

30/04/20 10.30hrs

RCPCH guidance for parents on symptoms and signs to look out for

01/05/2020 17.00hrs

The Royal college of Paedaitrics and Child Health publish guidelines on management of ” Paediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome Temporally Associated with COVID-19 (PMISTAC)

Read The Guidance for Clinicians

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Posted in: COVID-19 by Tim


Joshua Cole

2020-04-28 18:07:16

My wife (age 32) was hospitalized for two weeks in mid January in Houston, TX. She has SLE and was diagnosed with Macrophage activation syndrome. We know that autoimmune disorders can bring on MAS, but it came out of no where. For about two weeks leading to the hospitalization she had persistent fever and felt substantially worse than her normal Lupus aches and pains. Really starting to wonder if covivid had anything to do with it. Not sure about her CRP and ESR levels but ferritin got up to 7100.

Ally Byrom

2020-04-28 14:32:01

Hi Tim What symptoms should parents look out for? Ally


2020-04-27 18:54:08

Is there an estimation about how many children have been / are affected? Are these children tested for COVID 19 or is it "just" the overlap of the abnormalities seen in the labs?


2020-04-27 15:55:06

Thank you for your comment, we see a particular pattern of inflammatory markers and in particular the white cell profile in patients with Covid-19. What are “blood parameters consistent with severe COVID-19”? Whilst it is too early to say with confidence, features appear to include high CRP, high ESR and high ferritin. In adults with COVID-19 disease, hyperinflammation or cytokine storm syndrome, as well as macrophage activation syndrome (MAS) and haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) have been described.


2020-04-27 15:52:53

This is a concern. Natural anti- inflammatory foods are often part of pp diet and nutritional support, let's hope that helps. BUT...What are they staying are the blood parameters with children are with severe COvid19 ?

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