Recent Updates

The following articles show some recent updates relevant to PANS PANDAS

The following review articles were released in 2017 to attempt to obtain a consensus view on the diagnosis & treatment of PANDAS & PANS

Current work involves looking at IL17/TH1 ratios. IL17 is a marker for multiple sclerosis whilst TH1 is involved in the immune pathway that kills bacteria

The following presentation show’s the UK audit data from 2018

PANDAS UK Conference 2018

The following presentation was made by Dr Ubhi at the SANE PANS PANDAS conference in Malmo, Sweden in October 2019.

SANE conference 2019 -TU

Enuresis as a presentation of Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcus (PANDAS)

Presentation poster from the RCPCH Annual Meeting in Birmingham, March 2024.

Presentation from the American Association of Child Psychiatry Meeting in Seattle, October 2024.
Prevalence of Enuresis in UK Children with PANDAS 7.10.24 AACAP T.Ubhi

Authored by: Dr Natalie Wong & Dr Tim Ubhi

Edited by: Dr Tim Ubhi

Published: 7th March 2019

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